Matthieu Paquet

Matthieu just moved – as of October 2023 – to SETE, in Moulis, Ariège, for his new (tenured!) position as CNRS Researcher

I am interested in behavioral ecology and population dynamics. I aim to better understand and predict population fluctuations by integrating information on interactions within (e.g. parental effects and social behaviour) as well as among species (e.g. competition and predation), notably using data integration (Integrated Population and Community Models).

I work with Frederic Barraquand on the identifiability of dynamic models including interactions within and between species (Integrated Community Models).

Selected publications:

Paquet M., Knape J., Arlt D., Forslund P., Pärt T., Flagstad Ø., Jones C.G., Nicoll M.A.C., Norris K., Pemberton J.M., Sand H., Svensson L., Tatayah V., Wabakken P., Wikenros C., Åkesson M., Low M. Integrated population models poorly estimate the demographic contribution of immigration. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2021, 12(10) : 1899-1910.

Paquet M., Arlt D., Knape J., Low M., Forslund P., Pärt T. Why we should care about movements: Using spatially explicit integrated population models to assess habitat source-sink dynamics Journal of Animal Ecology 2020, 89(12), 2922-2933.

Paquet M., Arlt D., Knape J., Low M., Forslund P., Pärt T. Quantifying the links between land use and population growth rate in a declining farmland bird Ecology and evolution 2019 9 (2), 868-879.

Paquet M., Smiseth P.T. Maternal effects as a mechanism for manipulating male care and resolving sexual conflict over care Behavioral Ecology 2015, 27 (3), 685-694.

Full publication list

Some other current key collaborators

Elvire Bestion, Julien Cote, Rita Covas, Claire Doutrelant, Rita Fortuna, Olivier Gimenez, Jonas Knape


matthieu (dot) paquet (at)