Julien Gibaud

I am a postdoc at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB), University of Bordeaux, currently working on the identifiability of the state-space models. In an ecological context, I study the dynamics of the abundance of animal and/or plant species over time.
I obtained my PhD from the Institut Montpellierain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG) at the University of Montpellier. I was working on dimension reduction (PLS-type) models and on the interactions between species through factor and mixture models. I followed this position by two years as a teaching fellow in mathematics, in Montpellier as well.
Selected publications:
Gibaud J., Bry X. and Trottier C. Generalized linear model based on latent factors and supervised components. Computational Statistics 2024, Online first.
Gibaud J., Bry X., Trottier C., Mortier F. and Réjou-Méchain M. Response mixture models based on supervised components: Clustering floristic taxa. Statistical Modelling 2024, 24(3) : 226-244.
julien (dot) gibaud (at) math.u-bordeaux.fr Personal web page