Christie Le Coeur

I am an MSCA postdoctoral researcher (Univ. of Bordeaux, Institute of Mathematics - IMB) with interests in population dynamics, quantitative ecology, evolutionary demography, and global change biology.
My MSCA research project, DROVE, aims to develop a statistical and theoretical framework to study the demographic and adaptive responses of wild populations to temporal environmental variability under climate change, and to characterize the demographic mechanisms that enable their persistence. I will apply population models to long-term, individual-based data from great tit (Parus major) populations. This project is in collaboration with Dr F. Barraquand (IMB, France) and Prof. M. Visser (NIOO-KNAW, Netherlands).
Previous research positions:
2023-2024 Temporary lecturer and research fellow
Univ. of Montpellier & Centre for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE, UMR 5175), France
2019-2022 Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer
Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Univ. of Oslo, Norway
2016-2018 Postdoctoral researcher
Univ. of Turku, Finland
2012-2015 PhD in Ecology
CESCO, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France
Selected publications:
Le Coeur, C., Yoccoz N., Salguero-Gomez R. & Vindenes Y. Life history adaptations to fluctuating environments: Combined effects of demographic buffering and lability. Ecology Letters, 2023, 25: 2107-2019
Jackson J., Le Coeur, C., Jones O.R. Life history predicts global population responses to the weather in the terrestrial mammals. Elife, 2022, 11, e74161
Fay R., Hamel, S., van de Pol, M.,…, Le Coeur, C., …, & Sæther, B.E. Temporal correlations among demographic parameters are ubiquitous but highly variable across species. Ecology Letters, 2022, 25, 1640-1654
Fay R., Authier M., Hamel S., …, Le Coeur, C., …, & Sæther, B.E. Quantifying fixed individual heterogeneity in demographic parameters: Performance of correlated random effects for Bernoulli variables. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 13(1), 91-104
Le Coeur C., Storkey J. & Ramula S. Population responses to observed climate variability across multiple organismal groups. Oikos, 2021, 130(3): 476-487
Mallard, F., Le Bourlot V., Le Coeur C., Avnaim M., Péronnet R., Claessen D. & Tully T. From individuals to populations: How intraspecific competition shapes thermal reaction norms. Functional Ecology, 2020, 34:669–683
Le Coeur C., Pisanu B., Chapuis J.-L. & Robert A. Within- and between-year variations of reproductive strategy and cost in a population of Siberian chipmunks. Oecologia, 2018, 188, 765–776
christie (dot) le (hyphen) coeur (at)
christie (dot) lecoeur (at)